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Unified Command Authorized Tear Gas in Philly; PA Governor and Assembly Clash; PA Sports Can Resume |
by: iradioal - Philadelphia, PA started: 06/11/20 12:23 am | updated: 06/11/20 12:23 am |
During a City Council hearing on Wednesday, 6/10, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw and Managing Director Brian Abernathy explained that the decision to authorize 'less lethal' munitions during last week's demonstrations in Philadelphia came from a group called 'Unified Command.' City Councilwoman Helen Gym questioned Outlaw about who gave the order to use tear gas on protestors who had made their way onto I-676 last Monday, 6/1.
"So, like I said, there are several after-action reports being generated. Overall, the Unified Command group did approve the use of less-lethal munitions within policy, and it was left to the commander on ground to make the determination as it was deemed necessary," Outlaw responded.
Gym asked several more questions to determine who is 'Unified Command.' Abernathy explained that the group consists of Mayor Kenney, Commissioner Outlaw, Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel, himself, Chief of Staff Jim Engler, Deputy Managing Director Tumar Alexander, and City Solicitor Marcel Pratt.
"It was that group who made the overarching decision to allow less lethal munitions and leave it up to the supervisors on the ground within policy," Abernathy said. The use of tear gas and rubber bullets was authorized on May 31. The exact commander on the ground who gave the order was not named.
The Pennsylvania Assembly and Governor Tom Wolf clashed on Wednesday, 6/10, over the the emergency disaster declaration that has been in place since March due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The legislature passed a resolution they believe can constitutionally terminate Wolf's disaster declaration and get the state back to normal. Wolf thinks otherwise and would disapprove the resolution if it got to his desk, but lawmakers aren't going to give him that chance. The two sides are already going to court. The Assembly wants the state to open up and get back to work. Wolf said that getting rid of the declaration would have unintended consequences. It would squash many provisions set up to help in recovery such as modified eligibility requirements for unemployment compensation, moratoriums on evictions and utilities, emergency food distribution, lending programs, emergency spending for PPE, and more. The governor also said that end his declaration wouldn't open anything faster. The non-life sustaining business closure orders were made by the Secretary of Health under a different law. More than half the counties in Pennsylvania are already in the 'green' phase of reopening.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf unveiled new guidelines related to the resumption of sports and other outdoor activities in the coronavirus COVID-19 reopening plan. Public and private K-12 schools under the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) and the Pennsylvania Independent Schools Athletic Association (PISAA) can resume sports-related workouts in both the 'yellow' and 'green' phases. The school will have to develop an athletic health and safety plan according to Department of Education guidelines. Schools in the 'yellow' phase are limited to 25 people per activity. Professional and collegiate sports can also resume activity under the 'yellow' phase. Other recreational and amateur teams not affiliated with a school can hold in-person activities in the 'green' phase. Wolf also said that other outdoor activities such as miniature golf, archery, rock climbing, motorsports, or mountain biking can resume under the 'yellow' phase, while indoor spaces must still stay closed.
SEE: https://www.governor.pa.gov/newsroom/wolf-administration-provides-guidance-to-resume-high-school-and-other-summer-sports/ |
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