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Atlantic City Casino Smoking Ban Back; Jenkintown Pharmacy Gouging; Bethlehem Police Chief Resigns |
by: iradioal - Philadelphia, PA started: 09/04/20 5:30 pm | updated: 09/04/20 5:30 pm |
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy reversed course and extended the ban on indoor smoking at Atlantic City casinos on Friday, 9/4, after initially allowing smoking to resume through an executive order earlier this week. On Tuesday, Murphy introduced an order allowing the resumption of indoor dining on Friday, September 4th. The order also allowed for smoking to resume where permitted. By local ordinance, casinos are allowed to have smoking on 25% of the gaming floor at both tables and slots. The order said, "any retail, recreational, and entertainment business that is authorized to open its indoor premises to the public may allow the consumption of food, beverages, or smoking in those indoor premises, when otherwise permitted by State law." Casinos have been operating without smoking since they reopened. Health groups point out that smokers can't wear masks and they could spread coronavirus particles as they exhale. "We've looked closely at the science and agree with the experts who have concluded that allowing smoking is too big a risk to take," Gov. Murphy said.
SEE: Executive Order 183
The Pennsylvania Attorney General is accusing a Montgomery County pharmacy of price gouging during the pandemic and says they have failed to comply with subpoenas. AG Josh Shapiro warns Jenkintown Pharmacy to comply and turn over documents or head to court. The pharmacy is accused inflating the price of PPE, like face masks and disinfectant. Price increases of 20% or more during a declared emergency can be considered price gouging. "Businesses cannot price gouge Pennsylvanians, full stop. Any seller, big or small, who is given the opportunity to comply with consumer law, and anyone who doesn't, could have to face me in court," said Attorney General Shapiro. "When millions are out of work and millions more are struggling to pay for basic necessities, price gouging consumers-and then trying to hide your actions when asked to stop-is unethical and illegal."
Bethlehem Police Chief Mark DiLuzio is retiring after he shared a controversial post on Facebook last weekend. The post published on Sunday, 8/30, made fun of professional athletes not playing in games as a form of social justice activism. It was quickly taken down and DiLuzio did post an apology.
"Chief DiLuzio has accepted that his standing in the community has been compromised. This has happened at a time when the citizens of Bethlehem justly expect the effectiveness of their Chief of Police to be beyond reproach," Mayor Robert Donchez said in an announcement Friday. "I, and many who know him, will not allow it to outweigh our appreciation for the Chief's dedication and service to the City of Bethlehem for the over 30 years."
"On Sunday, I re-posted a photo. After posting it, I learned there was a message attached to it which does not represent me and that I find offensive. I immediately deleted the post after it was brought to my attention. This message does not represent what I have stood for over the last 40 years as a law enforcement officer. I extend a heartfelt and sincere apology to all who read this offensive post. In the future, I will not be posting on matters of public or political interest," DiLuzio wrote.
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